Gestiona fondos de clientes a través de una única cuenta compartida.
Gestiona fondos de clientes en una única cuenta compartida, con herramientas intuitivas y análisis detallados.
Nuestra característica de participación de ganancias transparente y automatizada te permite asignar fácilmente las ganancias entre tus clientes.
Aprovecha un modelo de tarifas dinámico para maximizar tu potencial de ingresos como gerente de dinero.
Aumenta el volumen negociado y maximiza tu potencial de ganancias
Gestiona fondos de clientes desde una única cuenta compartida con asignación de ganancias basada en porcentajes sin problemas.
Accede a análisis avanzados e informes, amplias herramientas de gestión de riesgos y fácil integración con MetaTrader.
Obtén apoyo siempre que lo necesites. Nuestro equipo de soporte dedicado está disponible para asistirte con todos tus requerimientos.
Gestiona múltiples cuentas de trading desde una plataforma central para operaciones simplificadas.
Genera informes detallados para monitorear el rendimiento y gestionar cuentas de clientes de manera efectiva.
Asigna operaciones en múltiples cuentas con métodos de distribución personalizables.
Monetiza tu experiencia y conocimientos, y gana de operaciones exitosas.
Gestiona múltiples cuentas de trading desde una plataforma central para operaciones simplificadas.
Asigna operaciones en múltiples cuentas con métodos de distribución personalizables.
Genera informes detallados para monitorear el rendimiento y gestionar cuentas de clientes de manera efectiva.
Monetiza tu experiencia y conocimientos, y gana de operaciones exitosas.
Maximiza tus ganancias, haz crecer tus fuentes de ingresos y accede a beneficios y características personalizadas, a través de un programa de asociación que funcione para ti. Regístrate para convertirte en un socio de Hantec hoy.
PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) allows clients to allocate their funds to a skilled money manager who trades on their behalf. The money manager’s trades are mirrored in each client’s account based on the percentage of their investment.
Earnings are automatically distributed based on each client’s proportional investment in the PAMM account.
Tracking client funds and performance can be done through our PAMM platform, which provides detailed real-time information on account balances, open trades, and trading history. Clients can monitor their account 24/7 and withdraw their funds at any time.
Simply fill our sign up form with your information. A member of our team will reach out to you with next steps.
Para consultas, asistencia o para explorar nuestros servicios, comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte.
Hantec Markets is a trading name of Hantec Group.
This website is owned and operated by Hantec Markets Holdings Limited. Hantec Markets Holdings Limited is the holding company of Hantec Markets Limited and Hantec Markets Ltd. Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (Register no: FRN 502635). Hantec Markets Ltd. is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (License no: C114013940). The services of Hantec Markets and information on this website are not aimed at residents of certain jurisdictions, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use may be contrary to any of the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction. The products and services described herein may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions. Those who access this site do so on their own initiative, and are therefore responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. The release does not constitute any invitation or recruitment of business.
Hantec Markets does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions including USA, Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.
Hantec Markets is a trading name of Hantec Group.
This website is owned and operated by Hantec Markets Holdings Limited. Hantec Markets Holdings Limited is the holding company of Hantec Markets Limited and Hantec Markets Ltd. Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (Register no: FRN 502635). Hantec Markets Ltd. is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (License no: C114013940). The services of Hantec Markets and information on this website are not aimed at residents of certain jurisdictions, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use may be contrary to any of the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction. The products and services described herein may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions. Those who access this site do so on their own initiative, and are therefore responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. The release does not constitute any invitation or recruitment of business.
Hantec Markets does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions including USA, Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.
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